* What does “IP call” mean? Any advantages?
The so called “IP call” means that users can input a set of IP phone number (generally will be a 0800 number). When user dial, the SIM card will automatically dial the IP phone number and then the exact phone number what you need to call. With an IP call, users are supposed to wait for few more seconds than general call, but they can generally enjoy about 20% or 50% money saving on calling payment. This is a quite ideal product for those who would like to save call payment.
* How can users utilize the “IP call” feature? Any limitation?
First of all, users need to buy a IP phone cards with a scratch password, and then follow the instruction to input IP phone number into the STK function. BTW, users must make sure their handsets support “Call Control by SIM Event” function. Most of handsets except for NOKIA brand support this function. Besides, turn on the IP call switch of STK function, then users can enjoy the IP call function by normally dial method. For those handsets which does not support “Call Control by SIM Event” function, just like NOKIA brand, users can set a fix dial box and enjoy the same saving function by dialing this fix code before every dial. For more detail operation of IP call function, please see operation manual in software or on website.
* What are the special functions of the “invisible” group of STK phonebooks?
MAGICSIM III contains a group of invisible STK phonebooks, which users can store their secret telephone in this group. The default STK PIN code is “0000”. When accessing these phonebooks, users must input the right STK PIN code. Users can change to other STK PIN codes by four digits. Once users forget their STK PIN code, nobody can help him or her to open the invisible phonebooks.
* Why does MAGICSIM cards sometimes occur “Invalid card”? Is there any enhancement can help when operating?
Frankly speaking, due to computer related products often be copied or counterfeited by other competitors. Since MAGICSIM became famous, few competitors began to copy or counterfeit this product and to sell to the market. Accordingly, to protect our valued customers’ benefits, we add more security mechanisms into the blank multi-number SIM cards since V4.5.
However, due to the complex algorithm of “dual mode authentication” and “multiple secured codes”, users should take more restrictions when rewrite the blank multi-number SIM cards. Basically, the program will have two nodes of authentication, so when users need to rewrite the blank multi-number SIM cards, please switch off the PIN code and AUTOMENU in advance so that the software can do authentication with cards smoothly. Otherwise, the software will not recognize the multi-number SIM card and show up error message.
(1) Since we have enhanced authentication procedure of the new products of both MAGICSIM II and MAGICSIM III, so sometimes SIM Scanner program show message of "Invalid card" if you don’t follow the instructions. If the card is exactly our multi-number SIM card, users must set PIN1 verification “off” and AUTO MENU “off” to make re-authentication, while it still occurs, please reinsert card back to reader and restart the program to let the reader cold start again. 。
(2) Please make sure that SIM Editor should be shut off before SIM Scanner is operating, since both program use the same resource of rs232. If SIM Editor remain works then the SIM Scanner will not functionally work。
(3) If running SIM Editor and occurs “this software can only support standard cards, …….” or “connected error”, please checked whether you are running SIM Scanner and SIM Editor simultaneously. If not, please reinsert card back to reader and restart the program to let the reader cold start again. Or restart computer again to release resource of rs232。
* What are the major difference between SIM phonebooks and STK phonebooks?
According to GSMMOU, one SIM card can store up to 200-300 standard phonebook entries. When using standard SIM phonebook to dial, any dialed numbers will keep in the profile. However, using STK phonebooks to dial will not leave any dialed number on the handsets. This function is very useful for certain users who would like to keep call register in confidential, such as business men, Lawyers, accountants, ……, etc
* What are the special functions of the “invisible” group of STK phonebooks?
MAGICSIM III contains a group of invisible STK phonebooks, which users can store their secret telephone in this group. The default STK PIN code is “0000”. When accessing these phonebooks, users must input the right STK PIN code. Users can change to other STK PIN codes by four digits. Once users forget their STK PIN code, nobody can help him or her to open the invisible phonebooks。
* What is the PUK code of MAGICSIM?
We adopt random PUK code and print them on the surface of the cards. Please must ask users to hold this PUK code forever for occasional usage. This is much more secured to use random PUK codes. For your own safety, customers who ever use older version SIM Magic2 cards with a fix PUK codes are recommended to upgrade your blank cards to a newer version。
* Is there any restriction with the handset automatically number switching function? Why did some handsets must manually power off and on handset when switching number?
For the majority of handsets, such as Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Moto,…., MAGICSIM can functionally properly work and switch mobile number without powering off their handsets. However, for specific Korean handsets, users should be more carefully about their function description. However, according to statistics from customers, nearly 95% handsets can be automatically switching mobile number without powering off their handsets
* Is there any difference with the design of MAGICSIM I, II, and III regarding the call register?
First of all, whether the handset can keep call register or not mostly depends on its own design. For the majority of handsets, when it check out the IMSI of current SIM cards is different from the original one, it will automatically reset those call register in handset and this function should be seen as a security feature. However, for MAGICSIM I (also called the SIM magic II), we use STK “refresh” function to develop automatic switching function so that some handsets can hold the call register even after switching numbers. For MAGICSIM II, we still keep this trick and add an “initialize” option in STK functions. Accordingly, when users turn “on” the initialize function, then it will work as MAGICSIM I’ function and keep those call registers. Otherwise, if users close the initialize option, then it will not keep the call register. However, in MAGICSIM III, since we tend to enhance switching speed more than other functions, so we purposely keep “initialize” option to be “on” and so that the call register for most of the handset will disappear after switching mobile number. Since this is a trade-off development decision, we choose to enhance speed more than keep the call register
* According to news, Chung-Hwa telecom, HK PCCW, and China mobile telecom are planning to allied together to promote “3-in-1” service. Is this true? And is there any relation with the technology of 12-in-1.
This news is release from Taiwan TV station, and was denied by China mobile telecom right after one day. Simply speaking, this “3-in-1” service is different from 12-in-1 technology. 3-in-1 service tend to adopt back-end system linkage and “resonance” technology, and the major issues of this service is not technology itself but interest conflict among all partners. Since the first issue that who should be the communication payment clearance and settlement center will be an annoying problem among all, so we do not consider this service will be successful in near future. However, 12-in-1 technology does not have any annoying issue with any operator. Each operator can still own his subscriber and easily pick up his payment without any behavior change, so that 12-in-1 will be the most convenient tool for users and the most popular tool for operators
* What can subscribers do when more and more V2 spec SIM cards wereissued?
Basically. This is an era of “customer is the boss”. If customers asked for their operators to change to V1 spec SIM cards, operators should pay more attention to their subscribers and change their decision to issue more V1 spec SIM cards as what their customers requested. In Taiwan, because lots of customers ask their operators to change back to issue V1 spec SIM cards, those operators who insist issuing V2 spec will decrease her subscribers very soon. Finally, most of the operators will adopt customers’ suggestion and change back to V1 spec SIM cards。
* Is utilizing the MAGICSIM backup tool illegal?
According to Ming-Shen news of Taiwan on Sep. 17, 2002, the Deputy general director of Government telecommunication says, “12-in-1 MAGICSIM is a legal product, unless people using this tool to do illegal copy and sell recorded SIM cards to the market”. Accordingly, utilizing MAGICSIM is not illegal and nothing to do with IP law at all。
* How can I apply for a local distributor right? What are the benefits for being a local distributor?
Generally speaking, customers place an order which total quantity is bigger than 50 sets, and be evaluated by company HQ to be in well credit status and be qualified in their local market, then they can be issued by company HQ a formal distributor. Formal distributors can get better price of products and directly receive technical support and service information from company HQ. Currently, we are eager to develop local distributors in every markets, should you be interested in promoting MAGICSIM as part of your career, please contact company HQ at your earliest convenience. Should you be interested in being our agent or distributor in you local market, please contact carol@a-men.com.tw for details
* Can handsets receive all 12 mobile phone signal simultaneously?
No. Since each handset only has one GSM module which can receive or transmit signals by one channel, so the idea of receiving all 12 mobile signals simultaneously is not possible currently. However, engineers of MAGICSIM are thinking of achieve this goal by means of back-end system which is similar to so called “resonance” technology. Once the technology is achieved, MAGICSIM will release news to users on this webpage。
* Can MAGICSIM add functions of call timer and time limitation on multi-number SIM card?
Theoretically speaking, this function is not pretty easy for our R&D engineers. However, this is just a very locally required function and will not be accepted by most of the international customers, so that we will focus more on those function which can be requested more by international customers and will release soon。
* What are the major difference of MAGICSIM with other multi-number SIM card?
(1) MAGICSIM can switch mobile number on line without powering off and on handset. The traditional multi-number SIM card needs to power off and on which is very cumbersome。
(2) MAGICSIM can store up to 12 mobile numbers that can be distinguished by original numbers. The traditional multi-number SIM card can only store up to 4 or 8 numbers and need to input different PIN code which need to be memorized by user himself。
(3) MAGICSIM specifies to be designed for young generation. It could offer the customaries screen saver, logo and ring tone. Please see the user menu for handset model that can be edited for this issue. The traditional multi-number SIM card does not offer these functions。
(4) MAGICSIM cracking rate is nearly 100% for COMP128 V1 algorithm and faster than any current product in the market. MAGICSIM could be interrupted and allowed to save the file to PC while decryption the data to increase the convenience and cracking speed for SIM card’s decryption。
(5) MAGICSIM’s Super large phone book can edit up to 250 personal data. The traditional multi-number SIM card can only edit up to 188 personal data。
(6) MAGICSIM adopts the newest IC chip technology and follows GSMMOU standards such as GSM Phase II plus STK technology. It could offer the transaction protection to prevent the data lost in the low battery situation which. MAGICSIM guarantees that the function and quality are best and secure. The traditional multi-number SIM card does not offer quality assurance。
(7) MAGICSIM’s back up data is encrypted by DES algorithm that indeed meets the Data Encryption Standard. It is not necessary for users to worry about the data will be copied by the other. The traditional multi-number SIM card does not offer security control。
(8) MAGICSIM provides website for user to download updated software and FAQ. The after service is much better than the traditional multi-number SIM card vendors。
* What is the correct way to plug in SIM card into card reader?
The correct way to plug in SIM card into reader is to put the IC chip face down, breach outward and to the deepest。
* What is the correct way to (re)write multi-number SIM card of MAGICSIM?
The correct way to write multi-number SIM card is to write in a sequential manner which means from the first to the twelfth without any null in it. If deleting a record, please move the following numbers ahead without leaving any null.。
* How can user save temporary data while scanning?
The software will automatically save the temporary data of scanning result. User can interrupt scanning and save the temporary file to PC while decryption the data to increase the convenience and cracking speed for SIM card’s decryption。
* What is the purpose of password when finishing SIM scanning?
MAGICSIM ’s back up data is encrypted by DES algorithm that indeed meets the Data Encryption Standard. It is not necessary for users to worry about the data will be copied by the other. The user must memorize the password of the file otherwise he has to re-scan the SIM again because of very high security level。
* Why does certain handsets need to be powered off and on while switching mobile number?
Very few handsets lack of “refresh” function in mechanism design. These kinds of handsets must be powered off and on while switching mobile number
* How can users unlock PIN code?
Due to different lots of MAGICSIM have their own PUK code, users have to come back retailers or e-mail to us for unlocking PIN code. Since V2.2 software was developed, user can find a PIN code management utility in SIM Manager program, and to unlock PIN code by software. MAGICSIM follows the GSMMOU standard and sets the default PIN code as “0000”。
* Can retailers or users back up others’ SIM card data?
This value pack is only for personal usage. Prohibited to be used in illegally copy or back up others’ SIM Card data. People should take their own responsibility for illegal action。
* Why does certain SIM cards break down when scanning to 50% or 70% and show up ”card error" message?
In most cases, users can just click “continue” and neglect the message and then the scanning process will still be done without any problem. However, according to GSM forum, certain operators of Thailand and Singapore set counter limitation in their SIM cards to prevent from Ki cracking. In these cases, we recommend you not to use MAGICSIM to scan these cards. Otherwise, it will damage users’ SIM cards。
* Why some SIM cards will be malfunction after finishing the scan program?
It is possible to cause permanent damage of early issued card after intensive scanning program of “Run Algorithm”. This is because of the bad chip architecture design of original chip and no related with this system. Another case is the operators may put counter mechanism to preventing of exceeding times of scanning by customer. The counter mechanism will count and limit of scanning times
* Can I only purchase MAGICSIM card by using original reader and download software to upgrade?
This is a smart upgrade strategy. The product design of MAGICSIM has been fully consideration of feature compatibility and the expansion issue. So, you may purchase MAGICSIM card only, and still using original reader with new version of downloading software. But for our new version of hardware reader, we have implemented accelerative chip in the hardware design. For those who use old version of hardware reader, you will not be able to enjoy this higher performance. However, the scanning speed is still better than previous version
* What is transaction protection?
Transaction protection is a part of security specification established by GSMMOU. The objective of transaction protection is to preventing the un-recoverable data damage in which caused by power off or network switch. So, please do purchase the product with GSMMOU correspondence for your own benefit
* What is the purpose of “+” and “p” on handset?
The “+” is able to provide IDD prefix number for international phone call.
The “p” can provide a switching function from telephone switchboard to extension number. Using of “+” and “p” properly will save some time which caused by redirection
* Why does it need 1~8 hours to scan a SIM card?
At present, most of operators are using “COMP-128” digital data encryption technology and 99% of issued SIM cards are V1 version. Owning to crack “COMP-128” needs lots of computing resource of CPU, it may need 1~8 hours to scan a SIM card with the most popular Pentium III or IV computer. We have announced new generation of higher performance of software and hardware version with accelerative mechanism. It’s really worth to take a look on our website。
* What factors will impact searching speed when switch number?
The distance between handset and base transceiver station 。
The signal degree of base transceiver station。
The CPU speed of SIM card。
* What is the reason for the message of “SIM card error”?
Poor contact of SIM card’s golden key 。
Unreliable computer platform. Change to another one 。
Malfunction of reader. Please contact with us 。
* Is there any handset model limitation when using MAGICSIM?
Basically, MAGICSIM can support all handsets of which support GSM standard STK. However, some handset manufacturers launch their handset products with in-complete STK function for marketing reason. After launching their product, they provide “patch program” for their users to download to repair the bugs. Therefore, the same model of handset will cause different result since different version of STK program. If you have this problem, our recommendations are
* Can we ask for the agencies or manufactures to reproduce the cards?
We state formally that this product is just for individuals. Any agencies or shop dealers are forbidden to reproduce the sim card for any users. The reproducer and the user himself/herself will take the law responsibilities that result from the illegal reproducing the sim card. We will not take any responsibilities.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
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Please comments if any,
wil ltry to unlock my new iphone 4 with this seems for activation , i just cut down to size my old dim to microsim , and now is asking unlock code . I tried already 1111 and 1234 and 0000 and didnt work , the PUK is on the sim card from china.
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